Tomorrow's change starts from your story.Nothing is more precious than the people's words for the future of the Republic of Korea.

Visit Us

Location map

Location map


Statistics Korea (Building 3, Government Complex Daejeon), 189, Cheong-ro, Seo-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea

Transportation information

  • By subway

    Get off Government Complex Station and walk 5 minutes from Exit 4 to Government Complex Daejeon.

  • By car (from Seoul)

    Exit at the North Daejeon Interchange. Turn left from the North Daejeon toll gate to take Daedeok-daero in the direction of Expo Science Park.

Inquiry on the schedule of buses to Government Complex Daejeon

  • Dunsan Express Bus Stop (around Sammeori Apt.)   Tel. 82-42-485-0181
  • Dunsan Intercity Bus Stop (around Lotte Cinema)   Tel. 1666-7638
  • Daejeon Terminal Complex   Tel. 1577-2259