Results of the 2020 Population and Housing Census
- Basic items of the population and households
- (Educational attainment)
Compared to 2015, the graduates of formal education increased by 2.052 million persons (2.6%p).
The students of formal education decreased by 884 thousand persons (2.3%p).
The dropouts of formal education increased by 282 thousand persons (0.5%p).
- (Marital status)
Compared to 2015, the share of unmarried (31.1%) and widowed (7.2%) persons dropped by 0.2%p and 0.4%p, respectively.
The share of divorced persons (5.8%) rose by 0.7%p.
- (Social activity)
The social activity participation rate fell by 1.3%p from 31.1% in 2015 to 29.8% in 2020.
- (Source of living expenses)
As for living expenses of people aged 20 or more by source, ‘My job and occupation’ recorded the highest figure of 42.9%, which was followed by ‘Spouse's job and occupation’ (10.1%) and ‘Assistance from parents’ (7.5%).
- (Activity limitations and care)
People with activity limitations occupied 6.2% of the total population aged 5 or more. As people grew older, the percentage of people with activity limitations grew higher.
- (Animal companion (pet))
Households with an animal companion (pet) amounted to 3.129 million households, which accounted for 15.0% of the total households.
- Characteristic items of the population
(Women, fertility, children, internal migration and commuting)
- (Women)
The female population was 25.161 million persons in 2020, which increased by 275 thousand persons
(1.1%p) from 24.886 million persons in 2015.
The median age of women stood at 45.6 years, rising by 3.2 years from 2015.
The mean age of women stood at 44.2 years, rising by 2.6 years from 2015.
- (Fertility)
In 2020, the expected number of children of married women aged 15~49 was 1.68 persons, dropping by 0.15 person from 1.83 persons in 2015.
- (Children)
In 2020, 60.2% of children aged 0~12 were taken care of by their parents during the day time.
This share went up by 9.9%p from 50.3% in 2015.
- (Internal migration)
As for the population by birth place, people born in Seoul occupied the largest share at 16.3%, which was followed by Gyeonggi (13.6%) and Gyeongbuk (8.7%).
- (Commuting)
In 2020, 61.8% of the population aged 12 or more commuted to school or work, dropping by 4.9%p from 66.7% in 2015.
- Characteristic items of households and housing
(One-person households, housing status and vacant houses)
- (One-person households: Population)
In 2020, unmarried one-person households recorded 3.341 million households, which occupied 50.3% of the total one-person households.
- (One-person households: Household)
As for reasons for living alone, the largest share of one-person households (2.278 million households, 34.3%) lived alone owing to their workplace.
- (Housing status)
The average residence period per household stood at 8.7 years.
The older household head, the longer residence period.
- (Vacant houses)
In 2020, the number of vacant houses was 1.511 million units.
As for reasons for vacancy, 'sale, lease or moving' occupied the largest share at 42.9%, which was followed by 'occasional use' (27.1%) and 'unsold or not moving in' (13.9%).
- Sample Enumeration Results of the 2020 Population and Housing Census(Population, Households and Housing Units)Link
- Sample Enumeration Results of the 2020 Population and Housing Census(Housing Units by Type of Housing Units)Link