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Survey overview

Basic Survey on Households and HousingBy collecting basic information on all households and housing units in Korea, this survey is designed to provide basic data when supplementing administrative data and deciding enumeration districts.

Survey overview

Survey overview
Classification Basic Survey on Households and Housing Note
Target population All living quarters (including empty houses) and households across the country as of the survey reference time point
Survey region All living quarters and households across the country
Survey reference period Nov. 1 (Fri.), 2024 at 00:00 Expected (Quinquennial)
Survey period Preliminary survey period: Nov. 2024
Survey period: Nov. 2024
Expected (Quinquennial)
Survey size 23,223,528 households
Survey personnel Government officials: About 1,600 persons,   Enumerators: About 10,400 persons
Survey method Interviewing method, CAPI and CATI
Survey items 12 items

Survey items

A total of 12 items (4 basic items and 8 characteristic items)

Survey items
Classification Survey items (sample survey)
Basic items
1) Address 2) Survey type
3) Type of living quarters 4) Target population
Characteristic items
1) Empty house 2) Number of habitable households
3) Construction year 4) Rooftop in the building
5) Total number of rooms 6) Heating facility
7) Residential facility 8) Farm, forestry and fishery households