Tomorrow's change starts from your story.Nothing is more precious than the people's words for the future of the Republic of Korea.

Survey overview

Survey overview

Survey overview
Classification Pilot Survey for the Basic Survey on Households and Housing Note
Target population All living quarters (including empty houses) and households in the survey regions as of the survey reference time point
Survey region Jungnang-gu, Seoul
Asan-si, Chungnam
Wanju-gun, Jeonbuk
Survey reference period Jun. 13 (Tue.), 2023 at 00:00 As of November 1, 2022 for some survey items
Survey period Survey period: Jun. 13 (Tue.) ~ Jun. 27 (Tue.), 2023
Survey size About 30,000 households
Survey personnel 46 enumerators
Survey method All living quarters are checked on site and households are surveyed by applying an interviewing method. Electronic surveys are also applied by using a tablet PC (CAPI).
Survey items 14 items

Survey items

A total of 14 items (5 basic items and 5 building unit item 4 household unit item)

Survey items
Classification Survey items (sample survey)
Basic items
1) Address 2) Residential space in the building
3) Changes in the building 4) Type of residence
5) Household information
building unit item
1) Vacant house 2) Construction year and month
3) Total number of floors 4) Are there rooftop rooms and basements
5) Number and type of shared residential facilities
household unit item
1) Total number of rooms 2) Number of residential facilities (entrance, kitchen, bathroom)
3) Type of residential facility 4) Residency