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Census history of Korea

Korea conducted the first modern census in 1925.

Census history of Korea

  • In Korea, the census has been carried out from the Proto-Three Kingdoms period to the Three Kingdoms period, Goryeo and Joseon dynasties.
  • In 1925, the first modern population census was conducted, and afterwards a total of 18 censuses were conducted every five years. Since the 9th population census in 1960, housing-related survey items have been included.
  • In the early censuses, the general characteristics of the population were mainly covered, but from the 1960s, the scope of the census has been gradually expanded to cover all the characteristics of the population, such as economy, society, and culture.
  • With the advancement of survey methods and technology, the sampling theory was introduced from the 1960 census, and at the same time, modernized data processing methods were applied.
  • In the 2005 census, more survey items related to low fertility, population aging, housing quality, and welfare were added. In the 2010 census, the survey items of low carbon and green growth were added to reflect the challenges of the times.
  • In the 2015 census, for the first time, the complete enumeration was changed to the register-based census method.
  • Major characteristics of the censuses by year – Metadata by year( )

Census overview (1925 ~ the present)

  • Nov. 1, 2020 Population and Housing Census
    • Carried out the full-scale electronic census by using tablets
    • Introduced the mobile survey and the CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing)
  • Nov. 1, 2015 Population and Housing Census
    • Changed the complete enumeration survey into a register-based census
    • Expanded the sample survey size (10% → 20%)
    • Applied an Internet-based survey system and the ICR (Intelligent Character Recognition) data entry system
  • Nov. 1, 2010 Population and Housing Census
    • 10% sample enumeration (economic activity, internal migration, fertility, the aged, living quarters and welfare)
    • Expanded an Internet-based survey system
    • Introduced the ICR (Intelligent Character Recognition) data entry system
  • Nov. 1, 2005 Population and Housing Census
    • 10% sample enumeration (economic activity, internal migration, fertility, the aged, living quarters and welfare)
    • Introduced an Internet-based survey system
    • Introduced a Web-based localized data input method by using PCs
  • Nov. 1, 2000 Population and Housing Census
    • 10% sample enumeration (economic activity, internal migration, the aged, informatization and households)
    • Introduced the method of filling out questionnaires by respondents who resided in apartment complexes (complete enumeration districts)
    • Introduced the decentralized data input method by using PCs
  • Nov. 1, 1995 Population and Housing Census
    • 10% sample enumeration (economic activity, commuting, internal migration and household)
    • Conducted the survey on empty houses by using the questionnaire for empty houses
  • Nov. 1, 1990 Population and Housing Census
    • 10% sample enumeration (economic activity, fertility, internal migration, commuting and household)
    • Introduced the OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) data entry system
  • Nov. 1, 1980 Population and Housing Census
    • 15% sample enumeration (economic activity, fertility and internal migration)
  • Oct. 1, 1975 Population and Housing Census
    • 5% sample enumeration (economic activity, fertility, internal migration and housing)
  • Oct. 1, 1970 Population and Housing Census
    • 10% sample enumeration (economic activity, fertility, internal migration and housing)
  • Oct. 1, 1966 Population Census
    • 10% sample enumeration (economic activity and fertility)
  • Dec. 1, 1960 National Population and Housing Census
    • 20% sample enumeration of economic activities and fertility
    • Introduced the labor force concept
    • Included the survey items regarding housing for the first time
  • Sep. 1, 1955 Simple Population Census
    • Included the survey items regarding households for the first time
  • May 1, 1949 Population and Housing Census
    • Included internal migration for the first time
  • May 1, 1944 Simple National Census
    • The census was conducted in accordance with the Resources Survey Act.
  • May 1, 1940 National Census
    • Included the survey items regarding military services, occupation and industry 3 years ago
  • Oct. 1, 1935 Joseon National Census
    • Added the survey item of residency
  • Oct. 1, 1930 Joseon National Census
    • Included economic activity (occupation, etc.) for the first time
  • Oct. 1, 1925 Simple National Census
    • The first modern population census