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Census of foreign countries

In the 2020 round of population and housing censuses, among a total of 238 UN member countries, 227 countries (95%) carried out the census. (Source: UNSD)

Census method Cycle Country
Traditional method
(Field survey)
Complete survey Quinquennial Australia, New Zealand, Japan
Every 10 years UK, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Turkey, Poland, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Spain, etc.
Complete survey + Sample survey Quinquennial Canada, Korea
Every 10 years Mexico
New method 1. Register-based census(use of administrative data) Every 10 years Denmark, Iceland, Norway
Quinquennial Finland, Sweden
2. Register-based census + Sample survey (supplementary) Every 10 years Netherlands, Germany, Singapore, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, etc.
3. Rolling census France
4. Field survey (complete survey) + Rolling census (sample survey) Every 10 years U.S.A, Peru
  • Demark : In 1981, the first register-based Population and Housing Census was conducted in the world.
  • The census of Netherlands is called a virtual census because complete enumeration items are compiled by combining register data and sample survey data without carrying out a complete survey.
U.S.A Canada Japan
Production agency U.S. Census Bureau Canada's National
Statistical Agency
Statistics Bureau of Japan
Last census year
(Survey cycle)
April 1, 2020 (Every 10 years) May 10, 2016 (Quinquennial) Oct. 1, 2020 (Quinquennial)
First census year 1790 1871 1920
Population (2010) 317.64 million persons 35.15 million persons 127.09 million persons
Number of enumerators 500 thousand persons 35 thousand persons 800 thousand persons
Number of survey items 10 items 10 items 18 items
Data collection method Mail survey, personal interviewing method by enumerators, Internet survey (2020) Mail survey, personal interviewing method by enumerators, Internet survey Mail survey (by enumerators), Internet survey (only in Tokyo)
Data input method ICR (Intelligent Character Recognition) ICR OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
  • Separated the sample survey from the census and focused on complete survey items in the census year
  • For the sample survey, the American Community Survey (ACS) has been implemented since 2004. (Rolling census)
  • Conducted the population census and the agricultural census simultaneously
  • Share of the Internet survey: 68.8%
  • Conducted the National Household Survey as a sample survey (to be publicized in early 2013)
  • Introduced the Internet survey only in Tokyo as a pilot area
  • Carry out the survey on housing and land in a year ending in 3 or 8
UK Australia China
Production agency The Office for
National statistics
Australian Bureau of
National Bureau of Statistics of China
Last census year
(Survey cycle)
March 27, 2011 (Every 10 years) Aug. 9, 2016 (Quinquennial) Nov. 1, 2010 (Every 10 years)
First census year 1801 1911 1953
Population (2010) 62.30 million persons 23.40 million persons 1.33972 billion persons
Number of enumerators 35 thousand persons 38 thousand persons 6 million persons
Number of survey items 56 items 61 items 45 items (18 complete survey items + 27 sample survey items)
Data collection method Mail survey, personal interviewing method by enumerators, Internet survey Mail survey, personal interviewing method by enumerators, Internet survey Personal interviewing method by enumerators
Data input method OCR ICR OCR
  • Share of the Internet survey
    - England & Wales: 16%
    - Scotland : 19%
    - Northern Ireland : 15%
  • Step-by-step data dissemination: From mid-2012 to 2013
  • Share of the Internet survey: 37%
  • Step-by-step data dissemination: From early 2012 to 2013
  • A separate questionnaire for death statistics
  • The census covered foreigners.
  • Sample size: 10%
Denmark Finland Norway
Production agency Statistics Denmark Statistics Finland Statistics Norway
Last census year
(Survey cycle)
1970 1985 1960
First census year
Population 5.548 million persons 5.363 million persons 4.889 million persons
Number of enumerators
Number of survey items
Data collection method Change to a register-based census Change to a register-based census Change to a register-based census
Data input method