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Survey items

What is a sample survey?For the characteristics of the population, households and housing that are not identified in the complete enumeration survey (register-based census), a field survey is conducted after selecting 20% of the households nationwide as a sample.

Considerations when selecting survey items

  • The survey items of the Population and Housing Census are selected in consideration of international comparison, time series maintenance, data availability, and respondent convenience.
  • When selecting survey items, social and economic changes are also reflected.

Number of survey items by year

Number of survey items by year
Classification 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Number of survey items 45 28 50 44(3) 1) 50(3) 1) 53 56
Complete survey 33 17 20 21 19 12 16 2)
Sample survey 45 28 50 44(3) 50(3) 52 55

Note1) The figures in parentheses represent survey items for metropolitan cities and provinces.
Note2) Complete survey items collect data of all nationals through a register-based census.

Characteristics of survey items

  • Survey items regarding foreigners and multicultural communities are as follows.
    • (Nationality / Year and month of entry into Korea) It provides basic data for understanding multicultural communities, and establishing policies for social integration of second-generation immigrants.
  • Survey items regarding internal migration are as follows.
    • (Birth of place / Place of residence 1~5 years ago) It provides basic data for grasping the timing and scale of internal migration and taking measures for regional population distribution.
    • (Commuting) It provides basic data for taking transportation measures, constructing transportation network and establishing urban planning.
  • Survey items regarding changes in family structure are as follows.
    • (Reason for living alone / Period of living alone) It provides basic data for family policies by grasping reasons for household division and the period.
    • (Animal companion (pet)) It provides basic data for establishing animal protection and welfare policies.
  • Survey items regarding housing and living quarters are as follows.
    • (Type of living quarters / Residential floor area / Construction year) It provides basic data for establishing housing policies by grasping the actual conditions of housing.
  • Survey items regarding safe society are as follows.
    • (Fire safety equipment / Drinking water) It provides basic data for establishing public safety and water resource policies.

Survey items of the 2020 Population and Housing Census

Survey items of the 2020 Population and Housing Census
Classification Complete survey items(16) Sample survey items (55)
Field survey (45) Administrative data (10)
(1)Name (1)Name (17)Economic activity status (1)Place of residence 1 year ago
(2)Place of residence 5 years ago
(2)Gender (2)Gender (18)Status of worker
(3)Date of birth (3)Date of birth (19)Industry
(4)Relationship to household head (4)Relationship to household head (20)Occupation
(5)Nationality (5)Nationality (21)Period of working in the current occupation
(6)Year and month of entry into Korea (6)Year and month of entry into Korea (22)Work location
(7)Place of residence 1 year ago (7)Educational attainment (23)Marital status
(8)Year of acquisition of nationality (8)Field of study (24)Year and month of marriage
  (9)Place of birth (25)Number of children
(10)Child care (26)Period of childbirth
(11)Activity limitations (27)Planned number of children
(12)Care for persons with activity limitations (28)Employment prior to marriage
(13)Commuting (29)Career interruption
(14)Commuting place (30)Social activity
(15)Mode of transportation used (31)Source of living expenses
(16)Commuting time  
(1)Household type (1)Household type (8)Heating facility (1)Type of residential facility
(2)House ownership status inn another region
(2)Type of residential facility (2)Reason for living alone (9)Parking area
  (3)Period of living alone (10)Number of floors in building and residing floor
(4)Animal companion (pet) (11)Period of residency
(5)Drinking water (12)Whether to be used exclusively for residency or commercial purpose
(6)Fire safety equipment (13)Type of occupancy
(7)Number of rooms (14)Rent
(1)Type of living quarters     (1)Type of living quarters
(2)Total number of rooms     (2)Total number of rooms
(3)Number of residential facilities     (3)Number of residential facilities
(4)Residential floor area     (4)Residential floor area
(5)Land area     (5)Land area
(6)Construction year     (6)Construction year

* Shading: A total of 15 common items of the complete and sample survey